Hark! New column on what our listening ears can feast upon



Millions of words are written on how we fix our hearing, but what about our focus on the wonder of the information our ears receive when we truly listen? Audio Infos UK magazine has a new, inspiring column—Hark!—that explores sonic fascinations and the joys of hearing.

Hark! New column on what our listening ears can feast upon

Sponsored by the noise control firm IAC Acoustics, Hark! is a new page produced by Audiology Worldnews publisher Parresia in its UK audiology magazine Audio Infos. The January issue of this organ, #132, sets the tone with a review of the MIT Press-released book Ways of Hearing by Damon Krukowski, a wide-ranging and punchy reflection of how digital culture has changed the way we all listen. READ the full page HERE.

Hark!'s regular examination of desirable decibels and the colour of sound aims to provide a brief reading pause from audiology news and interviews to introduce and communicate reflections, books, the culture of sound, music, and celebrations of human listening, the stuff our ears should feast upon. Each new HARK! will feature an aspect of listening that goes beyond device and market news, offering healthcare professionals fresh inspiration on the ultimate results they strive for in their search for hearing solutions.

If you would like to keep up with the cool of hearing in Hark! and read news and in-depth features on the UK audiology scene, you can subscribe by sending your contact details to contact@audiology-worldnews.com

Source: Audio Infos UK


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