MED-El Ideas4ears kids competition opens anew



The Austria-based global cochlear implant firm MED-EL has launched its third annual children's competiton to test the ingenuity of young minds in the hearing sphere. Entries close at midnight on Friday 17 January 2020.

MED-El Ideas4ears kids competition opens anew

Ideas4ears is the successful formula that six-to-12-year-old kids worldwide will be doing some serious creative thinking for, sending in their entries via video, photos, or artwork. Last year, successful entrants from the USA, the UK, Spain, Belarus, Western Australia, India, Germany, and Chile caught the judges' attention with ideas ranging from a phone-based implant charger to a laser box for repairing broken hair cells. The winning contestants were given a trip to the MED-EL head office in Innsbruck.

All ideas are welcome. The organisers say "we know children can come up with amazing ideas". What are you waiting for? For full info, click here

Source: MED-EL


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