Oticon rewards 2019 hearing heroes through its Focus on People Awards



The 2019 Oticon Focus on People (FOP) Awards has honoured 13 people for their roles in showing that hearing loss does not limit a person's ability to live a full, productive, and inspiring life.

Oticon rewards 2019 hearing heroes through its Focus on People Awards

First place winner in the student category was Catherine Fitzgerald from Mansfield, MA, who combined her experience of profound hearing loss and passion for criminal justice to develop and give American Sign Language training sessions to Mansfield Police Department officers and civilian employees.

In the adult category, teacher Anthony Reisdorff, from Papillion, Nebraska is the father of a young son born with a genetic disorder that impacts speech, communication and learning. In his classes, Tony uses his hearing aids as a compelling and very personal talking point to promote inclusion among his students.

These are just two of the 13 FOP heroes recognised in 2019. The first place winners received a $1000 prize plus a $1000 donation from Oticon to give to the non-profit organisation of their choice. To read the stories of all 13 of the 2019 Oticon Focus on People Awards winners, visit www.Oticon.com/FOP

“The 2019 Oticon Focus on People Award winners have each found a unique way to make the world a better place — for others with hearing loss and for all of us,” said Nancy Palmere, Director of Consumer Marketing and Public Relations for Oticon, Inc. and awards program leader for more than 20 years. “This national program allows us to recognize their achievements and create awareness that is helping to change attitudes and open doors of opportunity for all people with hearing loss.

Source: Oticon


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