Tips for travellers with hearing loss



A careful list of things to do and remember are essential for a truly bon voyage, especially if you suffer from severe hearing loss. And even better if someone with experience has made that list for you.

Tips for travellers with hearing loss

This is precisely what hearing loss support specialist Stephen O. Frazier published on the US Hearing Health Foundation site at the start of the summer's busy travel period: a list that underlines the key help provided by telecoil features connecting to public address systems using a hearing loop. This, and much much more for the traveller with hearing difficulties.

Technology can be a big help. Personal sound amplifiers, speech-to-text and captioning apps, and even the old notebook and pen are on the list compiled by Frazier, who serves on the national HLAA Hearing Loop Steering Committee and on the New Mexico Speech-Language Pathology, Audiology.

"As you board the aircraft, alert the flight attendant(s) to your hearing loss so they will know to pay attention to your communication needs," reads one practical item on the list. Check out the whole thing here and breathe a sigh of relief before you enjoy your journey. And don't forget that charger and those extra batteries.

Source: Hearing Health Foundation


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