Major international awards scoop for Sonova short film "The Story of Jason Brügger"


Swiss hearing aid manufacturer Sonova has won seven major international awards—not for technology, not for design, but for a short film...and it's not the first time.

Major international awards scoop for Sonova short film “The Story of Jason Brügger”

The New York Festivals 2019 awards—one of the leading global competitions in corporate film and TV—has singled out Sonova’s short film “Life without Limitations – The Story of Jason Brügger” for no fewer than three Gold World Medals (in separate categories), two Silvers, one Bronze, and an additional Finalist Certificate. The film, which tenderly and engagingly gets across the liberating benefits enjoyed, through his Sonova hearing aids, by a circus aerialist, the eponymous Brügger, had already won two awards at the 2018 Cannes Corporate Media and TV Awards, and Gold, Silver, and Best Camera accolades at Germany’s biggest commercial films competition, the International Commercial Film Festival.

Jason Brügger was on the way to fulfilling his dream to work in a circus, completing training at Montreal’s National Circus School, when a severe inner ear infection caused hearing loss, tinnitus, and vertigo. His hopes seemed dashed, but through hearing aids he has conquered all obstacles to rise to the top, literally the top of the big top of a Swiss circus. His work means gliding through the air, without a safety net, suspended by special ribbons. His physical condition has to be tip-top. The finely-created film conveys the heartwarming joy Brügger experiences through being able to perform.

Sonova works with freelance and agency filmmakers but writes its short films in-house. You can watch this three-minute, award-winning film here:

Source: Sonova


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