Venezuela troubles threaten 21 hearing-disabled citizens just given border passes for Colombia


The troubles in Venezuela may wreck hearing treatment for a group of 21-hearing-disabled Venezuelans just granted rights by Colombian authorities in the La Guajira department to move across the border between the two countries for hearing therapy and citizen advice.

Venezuela troubles threaten 21 hearing-disabled citizens just given border passes for Colombia

Special border-crossing Identity documentation was handed out to the 21 members of the La Guajira Association for the Deaf so that they can move freely from Venezuela to Colombia and back through the Paraguachón border.

The card – Tarjeta de Movilidad Fronteriza – means the holder can remain in the neighbouring country for a total not exceeding seven days. Such cedulas, which must be requested from Colombian migration services, are much used in the case of primary-age schoolchildren from Venezuela so they can cross the frontier to attend schools that are nearer home than options in their native country

It is not known at this point, however, how political strife in Venezuela will affect these just-acquired rights of the group. With the Venezuelan government severing diplomatic relations with Colombia over aid disputes, and with increased difficulties for the region a clear possibility, daily life for these hearing-impaired citizens has been plunged into uncertainty.

Source: LaGuajiraHoy


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