Circus artist Jason Brügger supports people affected by hearing loss


Sonova announces a cooperation with prominent Swiss aerialist Jason Brügger.

Circus artist Jason Brügger supports people affected by hearing loss

After suffering a severe inner-ear infection, he was afraid his career as a circus artist might be over. However, with the help of hearing aids from Phonak, Jason Brügger has managed to put this chapter behind him and is now living his dream against all the odds.

As an ambassador for Sonova’s hearing instrument brand Phonak, Jason Brügger will be actively involved in a range of projects around the globe designed to support people with hearing loss – and this work is deeply personal for the talented circus artist. To kick off the collaboration, Sonova has shot a film portrait of the aerialist.

“I certainly hope that I can encourage other people to believe in themselves with my story. Even if you’ve been told something is beyond you for whatever reason, you should believe in yourself anyway, and fight for your dreams – there’s always a way to achieve what you want to do.”

Circus workshop for disadvantaged children with hearing loss in Lebanon

April 2018 in Beirut, Lebanon: Jason Brügger visited an aid project organized by the Hear the World Foundation that helps Lebanese youngsters from disadvantaged families in the region and their Syrian playmates, who live in refugee camps not far from Beirut. Many of them have lost their hearing altogether as a result of war or have suffered hearing damage due to acoustic traumas (explosions).

Thanks to the Hear the World Foundation’s aid project, the affected children will be able to hear again and thus (re)gain access to language. They will receive custom-fitted hearing aids and professional audiological care. To facilitate their work, the Foundation has established close relationships with local Lebanese schools for the deaf as well as with hearing care chain Houri Hearing. The project also benefits considerably from the expertise of Sonova staff who are working in Beirut on a voluntary basis. And Jason Brügger is supporting the children’s development on site with a circus workshop: inspired by his story, the kids learn to improve their balance through acrobatic exercises and proudly strut their stuff in front of their parents.

“We look forward to arranging further projects with Jason Brügger. His commitment as an ambassador for Sonova’s hearing instrument brand Phonak plays a key role in enabling us to realize our vision, which is all about using innovative hearing solutions to help people live a life without limitations,” explains Arnd Kaldowski, Sonova’s CEO. “Jason Brügger’s circus workshop in Beirut has supported the Hear the World Foundation’s work in a very special way and has benefited a particularly deserving group of disadvantaged children – strengthening their confidence, lifting their spirits and giving them hope. We are extremely grateful to him for this.”


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