Phonak UK team up with Action on Hearing Loss


Phonak UK has announced that Managing Director Jon Billings, Channel Manager Richard Jones and Senior Key Account Manager Richard Foulkes will join Action on Hearing Loss to run the London Marathon on April 22 to raise as much money as possible for Action on Hearing Loss.

Phonak UK team up with Action on Hearing Loss

After previously running Marathons, Richard and Jon were very much ready to retire their running trainers and call it a day. However, after being presented with the opportunity to run the full 26 miles of the London Marathon for such a worthwhile cause, Action on Hearing Loss, they couldn’t resist. Meanwhile Richard Jones found himself running the London Marathon because he drank too much red wine! This does not of course make the cause any less just. The wine may have encouraged his decision, but as we know each of their decisions to run the distance should not be taken lightly.

To support their run, Phonak UK would like to raise as much money as possible for Action on Hearing Loss here.

100% of any donation received will be going straight to Action on Hearing Loss to assist with their future projects.

Source: Phonak UK

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