Actress Millie Bobby Brown talks about being partially deaf


English actress and model Millie Bobby Brown recently spoke about how she is deaf in one ear, joining a growing list of celebrities who are talking openly about their hearing loss.

According to an interview with Variety Magazine, Millie was born with partial loss of hearing, and she says that her hearing then faded away over several years. This has, however, not stopped this rising star whose acting has greatly contributed to the success of the series Stranger Things.

Millie can apparently not fully hear herself perform, but does not see this as a problem. “I just started to sing, and if I sound bad I don’t care, because I’m just doing what I love,” she says. “You don’t have to be good at singing. You don’t have to be good at dancing or acting. If you like to do it, if you genuinely enjoy doing it, then do it. No one should stop you.”

In addition to acting and singing, in her spare time Millie says that she likes to focus her energy on helping other people. “I just want to focus on helping other people,” she told Variety Magazine. “Working with Unicef is a really big dream of mine.”

Some of the other celebrities who have shown that hearing loss isn’t a hurdle include Marlee Matlin who won an academy award for best actress in the film Children of a Lesser God, singer/song-writer Sting, who has advocated for conscious hearing and safe listening practices, Derrick Coleman, Atlanta Falcons fullback, and Dancing With the Stars winner, Nyle DiMarco.

Source: Hearing like me; Variety Magazine


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