More wins in Cannes for Sonova film portrait


Sonova has continued its winning streak at this year’s Cannes Corporate Media & TV Awards, a global festival for corporate films.

The short film “Life without Limitations” about Chinese dancer Tianjiao Zhang has won three awards – echoing the Sonova Group’s successes in 2016, when two films netted a total of three prizes.

The moving film portrait of a dancer affected by profound hearing loss earned gold in “Fairs, Shows, Events, Conference Openers” category, silver in the “Medical Films” and silver in “Corporate Videos”.

The film portrait of Tianjiao Zhang represents a further step in the Sonova Group’s successful communications strategy. Not only does the film, “Life without Limitations”, recount the headline story of Sonova’s 2016/17 Annual Report, but the narrative has also been woven into an integrated communications concept to be disseminated across all digital and analogue channels. Once again, Sonova has presented an authentic portrait that transports audiences into the world of the protagonist.

“Dancing is a wonderful thing and I feel the music in my heart,” says Tianjiao Zhang enthusiastically. Even as a child, the young dancer from the Chinese city of Harbin knew that there was only one career for her, despite her profound hearing loss. She has been supported in this endeavor by her hearing aids from the Sonova brand Phonak, which she has been wearing since early childhood.

“We’d like to join Tianjiao Zhang in expressing how delighted we are that Sonova has once again won multiple prizes at the Cannes Corporate Media & TV Awards,” says Lukas Braunschweiler, CEO of Sonova. “The awards are further proof of the quality and success of our strategic communications. The prize-winning film is an excellent example of the Sonova Group’s corporate vision in action: it shows how innovative hearing solutions can help people live a life without limitations.”

Source: Sonova

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