Oticon partners with Styx for world’s first live rock concert to Oticon Opn™ wearers


Oticon has joined forces with rock band Styx for a live concert broadcast exclusively for fans wearing Oticon Opn™ Internet-connected hearing aids.

Oticon partners with Styx for  world’s first live rock concert to Oticon Opn™ wearers

The broadcast, scheduled as part of the band’s nationwide summer tour, will be the first time a live performance is delivered directly to hearing aid wearers, enabling them to stream Styx classic gold hits such as Renegade or Come Sail Away directly to their Opn hearing aids.

Oticon aims to generate rock-star level excitement for Opn and the importance of hearing health and hearing solutions in national, regional and local media throughout the Styx concert tour to more than 25 markets. The live concert will be broadcast on August 22 from the PNC Arts Center in Holmdel, NJ, adjacent to Oticon headquarters. Oticon is working with individual Styx concert venues to provide information on hearing health and hearing protection to summer concert-goers. Information on how Opn users can access the live concert broadcast will be available in late July.

“The Styx live broadcast gives us an upbeat, exciting way to not only reach Opn wearers but to remind people of all ages about the importance of hearing health,” said Oticon Vice President of Marketing Sheena Oliver. “Through our partnership with Styx, we demonstrate how Opn enables people with hearing loss to ‘rock on’ and actively participate in all of life’s moments and memories.”

Many fans that grew up listening to Styx are now at the age where hearing loss becomes more prevalent. In fact, one in six baby boomers experience hearing loss, making it difficult for them to enjoy concerts, theater, and other public events.

“The new active generation of people with hearing loss wants solutions that let them stay engaged in all aspects of their lives, and the advanced technology of Oticon Opn enables them to do just that,” explains Oliver. “From making it easier to follow and participate in conversations with multiple speakers to wirelessly streaming the unmatched sound of a live Styx concert, Opn helps prove that when treated, people with hearing loss can live active, social lives.”

Source: Oticon

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