French spationaut Thomas Pesquet back on Earth: 2017: a hearing odyssey


Science fiction mostly led us to believe that the cosmos is filled with vast silent galaxies, but in a way that is not completely true.

French spationaut Thomas Pesquet back on Earth: 2017: a hearing odyssey

Space it seems, at least within the confinesof the International Space Station (ISS) isa minefield of sounds for those on board.A constant din that astronauts need to getused to, despite zero gravity and disorientedsenses. Thomas Pesquet, French spationautwho recently returned from space, told theObservatoire de la santé visuelle et auditiveabout his experience.

Pesquet was very keen to communicatewith Earth during his six months in space,including via videoconference. He also toldpeople back on the ground about how hisbody reacted while in space. Hearing, hesaid, was one sense that was put under a lotof strain.

To make human life possible at 400 kmabove the Earth, multiple machines workconstantly to maintain room temperature,atmospheric pressure, and a suitable oxygensupply. There are also other machines atwork, for instance to carry out experiments.All this infrastructure creates an incessantcacophony. Noise caused by the pumps thatcirculate water to cool down the electronicsand ventilators constantly supplying freshair adds to the mix. An environment wherenoise is around 70 dB, a level Pesquet saysis comparable to a tumble-dryer.

To face this auditory battleground, ThomasPesquet prepared for many months. Amongthe various items of equipment that weredeveloped for him, he describes the spacesuit, a seat able to absorb the shock oftake-off and landing, as well as specialhearing protection against the noise. Thedevices include speakers and can be usedas ear plugs and as a communicationshelmet. They were made using a mold of thespationaut’s ear canal and serve primarilyto sleep. “They are very comfortable”, saysPesquet and astronauts are keen to keepthem once they return to the surface wherethey even use them when they go outjogging.


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