Sonova hosts Chinese dancing star Tianjiao Zhang


Sonova is inviting Tianjiao Zhang, one of the best dancers in China, to the company’s annual general shareholders' meeting in Zurich on 13 June 2017 and another at a charity event near Munich on 16 June in aid of Sonova’s Hear the World Foundation.

Sonova hosts Chinese dancing star Tianjiao Zhang

“My heart beats along to rhythm when I hear music,” says Tianjiao Zhang enthusiastically. “Dancing is a wonderful thing and I feel the music in my heart.” Even as a child, the young dancer knew that there was only one career for her, despite her profound hearing loss – and she has been supported in this endeavour by her hearing aids, manufactured by the Sonova brand Phonak, which she has been wearing since early childhood.

Tianjiao Zhang has had an exemplary career. At the age of 16, she became the only competitor with hearing loss to represent China at a dance competition in Ukraine – and went on to win. Having danced to victory by proving herself the most talented artist in a very popular contest on Chinese television when she was 17, Tianjiao Zhang now appears with a range of professional dance troupes and gives ballet lessons to children.

That Tianjiao Zhang has been able to achieve her dream of becoming a dancer is the exception rather than the rule in her homeland of China as well. Figures from the World Health Organisation (WHO) suggest that some 60 million people in China are affected by hearing loss, with only 5% of them possessing a hearing aid; by comparison, market penetration in Europe is up to 40%. One reason for China’s low showing is the limited awareness there of the treatment options available for hearing loss, and Sonova’s local educational work is helping to gradually raise awareness of these.

“Tianjiao Zhang’s story is a compelling illustration of how Sonova’s innovative hearing solutions are helping people to live a life without limitations and a concrete example of our corporate vision in action,” emphasises Sarah Kreienbühl, Sonova’s GVP Corporate HRM & Communications. “We are delighted that Tianjiao can bring people joy through her dancing while also actively supporting the charitable work of the Hear the World Foundation.“

This short film captures Tianjiao Zhang’s route into professional dance.

Source: Phonak

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