Hearing-loss advocate awarded the national HLAA award


The Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA) recently awarded its 2016 “Get in the Hearing Loop” award to Cheri Perazzoli, Director of advocacy at the Washington State Association of the HLAA and founder of the “Let’s Loop Seattle” initiative.

Hearing-loss advocate awarded the national HLAA award

The “Let’s Loop Seattle” initiative aims to encourage the use of hearing loops and other assistive technologies in the Seattle area. Perazzoli drew on her personal knowledge and advocacy experience to increase public attention about inclusiveness for people with hearing loss at local civic and entertainment venues in the area. She also provided assistance to government officials and venue managers to help in successful implementation of specific hearing accessibility measures.

Hearing aids that improve quality of life

“For hearing aid users, hearing loops are the equivalent of a curb cut or a wheelchair ramp,” Perazzoli told the Redmond Reporter. “In addition to hearing aids, someone with hearing loss may need assistive technology such as a hearing loop and captions to communicate effectively. Hearing loops can mean the difference between staying home and becoming isolated, or engaging once again with work, play, and civic life.” Perazzoli said she would like to share the award with all those who helped her move the initiative forward.

Other awards presented included the National Access Award given to the Yahoo Accessibility Team, the Innovation Award given to Sony Corporation, the Outstanding Employer Award given to consulting firm Ernst & Young, LLP, as well as research and humanitarian awards.

Source: Redmond Reporter; Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA)


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