Album launched by the British Tinnitus Association


Launched on 4th March, “I Am The One In Ten” is a compilation album produced by BTA under the guidance of DJ, Producer and BTA Ambassador Eddy Temple Morris.

Album launched by the British Tinnitus Association

All eighteen tracks on the album feature cuts and remixes from number one artists including Black Eyed Peas and Embrace, a previously unreleased Coldplay remix, personally approved for this album by Chris Martin, as well as tracks from cult club DJs.

Every track on the album has been donated by an artist who lives with tinnitus and each person involved in the stages of the project is affected by the condition. The album’s title refers to the number of people in the UK living with tinnitus. An accompanying promotional video can be viewed here.

London Elektricity (Tony Colman) spoke about his involvement, “Tinnitus is a major issue that affects millions of people and, like many conditions, it’s not talked about. I suffer from it, but I’ve learned to love it – I figured there was no choice – but some are not so lucky, and it can even drive people to suicide. This release is to focus awareness on tinnitus and I’m very happy to be able to contribute in some small way with a song I wrote specifically about my feelings about tinnitus.”

BTA Ambassador Eddy Temple-Morris said, “We’ve had some incredible support from some of the biggest artists in the world, right through to some of underground electronic dance music’s leading lights, plus writers, pluggers, managers, DJs from radio and clubs, studios and an army of helpers, all of whom have tinnitus.”

The British Tinnitus Association receives no government funding for its work. Proceeds raised by “I Am The One In Ten” will go to the BTA in order to help the association continue its vital work. The album can be downloaded from iTunes and all good digital stores.

Source: BTA


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