Mark Ronson shows his support for the BTA


The British Tinnitus Association (BTA) is delighted to announce that renowned Music Producer Mark Ronson, has become an Ambassador for its new tinnitus prevention campaign Plug’em.

Mark Ronson shows his support for the BTA

Mark is supporting the Plug’em campaign because he has tinnitus, and is keen to raise awareness in others about the need to protect hearing.

“I’ve had tinnitus for over 10 years and it affects me 24/7. I wish I had been smart enough to Plug’em earlier. I make sure that I do it now though”.

One cause of tinnitus is over-exposure to unsafe levels of sound and the new Plug’em campaign, aims to raise awareness of the need to wear earplugs at live music events such as gigs, clubs and festivals.

Emily Broomhead, Plug’em lead told us: “We’re so excited to have the support of Mark. It will go such a long way to raising awareness in people who may be at risk, simply because they are unaware of the damage which exposure to overly loud music can cause. Marks advice, in line with the Plug’em message, will undoubtedly make a huge difference to the campaign and encourage others to use earplugs to protect their hearing.”

Source: BTA


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