Booking a stand at EUHA 2025...and other Congress intelligence for you
Long established as the world's biggest event in hearing health, the 69th International Congress of Hearing Aid Acousticians, otherwise known as EUHA, takes place in 2025 from October 22 to 24 in Nuremberg, Germany. Visitors, academics, and industry players, stay tuned for key info on how to participate.

It is time to register exhibition stands and submit presentation topics now for the 2025 EUHA Congress.
Since February 12, companies have been able to register a stand space here at the industrial exhibition of the 69th International Congress of Hearing Aid Acousticians, which takes place from October 22 to 24, 2025 in Nuremberg. On that first registration day alone, more than 20 companies registered their stand spaces. You will find a very useful preparation checklist and deadlines list here.
A change of exhibition hall for EUHA 2025. Successful Live Area to repeat
This year, the industry exhibition will take place in a new hall (No. 7) within the vast Nuremberg Exhibition Centre complex. As usual, admission will be via the NCC Ost (Congress Centre). Access will be via Hall 7a, where catering areas and information points for visitors are also planned.
The 2024 edition of EUHA, held in Hanover, premiered a new central space, the Live Area, to great success. The organisers are continuing the concept in 2025. The EUHA Live Area, used last year to showcase start-ups, provide networking opportunities, and stage a complementary programme of events, will be centrally located in Exhibition Hall 7.
Call for Papers, awards, EUHA Spring Conference
President Beate Gromke
Experts have the unique opportunity to present their research results, findings and innovations to a large audience at the EUHA Congress 2025. Beate Gromke, President of the European Union of Hearing Aid Acousticians, is calling for current topics to be added to the Congress programme: “Use the world’s largest hearing acoustics event to present your work to the scientific community, hearing acousticians, and the leading international companies in our industry. The Congress is the most important professional source of inspiration for hearing acoustics and the hearing system industry. Be part of it!”
Proposals for the scientific lecture programme can be submitted until April 25 2025. Presentation proposals can be submitted online here.
Young talent in the industry and up-and-coming scientists are also on EUHA’s radar. Read about the 2025 EUHA Sponsorship Award.
And there is another EUHA event just about to get under way. Save the date! The Digital EUHA Spring Conference 2025, the online option from the organisers of the mighty EUHA Congress held each autumn, will start on March 28. Read about it here.