"He's brilliant with his sound work, he'll always run around afterwards looking very excited and pleased with himself for being such a clever boy!"

, Published on 27 July 2024


Wilbur the Cocker Spaniel

Wilbur is a five-year-old black, white and tan cocker spaniel.

He was one of eight puppies in his litter, born on December 16, 2018, weighing just 275g. He has three sisters and four brothers.

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Hearing Dogs for Deaf People

From Wilbur’s partner, Lucy


Lucy was partnered with Wilbur in March 2022. Lucy lost her hearing suddenly in her teens as a result of a rare auto-immune disease called GPA (Granulomatosis with polyangiitis).

Lucy explains: “I was away on a class trip, studying for my A Levels. We were sitting in a circle having a discussion when I realised the teacher was asking me a question, but I couldn’t hear what she was saying.”

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(c) Paul Wilkinson 2023

In addition to her hearing loss, Lucy began to experience other symptoms, such as breathing difficulties, severe nosebleeds, and excruciating headaches. Then the cartilage in her nose collapsed. For the first 18 months, Lucy was in and out of hospital where the focus was very much on trying to manage her physical symptoms, rather than offer support for her deafness or mental health.

“I really struggled to cope. I had gone from being a healthy, happy student, with a part-time job and an active social life, to barely leaving my home.”

“When I was matched with Wilbur, I fell in love with him straight away. From the day we met, our bond grew and grew, and we’ve been inseparable ever since.”

“I used to feel self-conscious and vulnerable on my mobility scooter, but with Wilbur by my side, wearing his Hearing Dogs jacket, people are instantly aware of my hearing loss. I’m no longer sat on the sidelines – I’m getting out, meeting people, and experiencing normal everyday life.”

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(c) Paul Wilkinson 2023

“Wilbur is a little ray of sunshine. He’s such a kind and sweet-natured dog, confident in all types of situations and so easy-going, whether we’re out for a walk or when he’s in his Hearing Dogs burgundy jacket, working, he’s always happy! He’s such a friendly boy and very affectionate, loves interacting with other people and getting a fuss. It always makes him smile.”

“He’s brilliant with his sound work, he’ll always run around afterwards looking very excited and pleased with himself for being such a clever boy!”

“One of the things I love about Wilbur is he lives in the moment and finds joy in the simple things of everyday life. He’s definitely taught me to be more Wilbur.”

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From Wilbur’s volunteer puppy trainer:


“Wilbur came to me when he was 12 weeks-old and we began our training journey together. He was the first hearing dog I had trained, so we taught each other along the way. His character and charisma were a real joy right from the start. Friends still ask after him nearly two and a half years after he left us!”

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Hearing Dogs for Deaf People

“It was so difficult to say goodbye and send Wilbur on to the next chapter of his amazing story, but when I see updates from Lucy on social media, I can truly appreciate the difference he has made to her life. I am honoured to have played a part in that and will always be grateful for my time with Wilbur and the experience of fully understanding the role of a hearing dog. He truly is a very special dog.”

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