Evidence for efficacy of a wearable tinnitus patch


Researchers working in Sweden at the Sickla ENT-centre in Stockholm and the Citysjukhuset hospital in Gothenburg recently published the results of a double-blind, randomized study of a tinnitus patch called Antinitus carried out in 2016/2017.

Evidence for efficacy of a wearable tinnitus patch

The study was conducted with a parallel, placebo-controlled design, in addition to being randomized and double-blind. The Antinitus patch is worn behind the ear and aims to help reduce the discomfort of tinnitus. The developers, Sensori AB, say that the patch works by reorganising water in the “biological environment” to help relieve the “chaotic audio loops” that represent tinnitus, reports MedTech News.

The biomodulator patch was reported by the investigators to be safe and well tolerated. It was found to be effective, with a significant difference between the groups at Week 7 (p< 0.05): the active patch had 30% responders compared to 10% for placebo, measured as a decrease from baseline of at least 2 points in the tinnitus annoyance visual analogue scale (VAS, 0-10).

Torbjörn Kemper, managing director of Sensori AB, commented on the results saying: “The publication in the International Tinnitus Journal means that the placebo study has been critically reviewed by leading and independent scientific experts in the field of tinnitus. The result of the study, and its review, is a great leap forward for Sensori, but primarily positive news for all the people around the world who are living with tinnitus.” Further studies will no doubt be needed to confirm the results in a larger group of patients.

Source: MedTech News; Ahnblad P, Nordkvist A. A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind, Parallel Groups Study Evaluating the Performance and Safety of a Steady State Coherent Biomodulator Patch in the Treatment of Subjective Tinnitus. The International Tinnitus Journal 2017 Dec 1;21(2):157-167.


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