Egger - new product announcements include a new earmould ordering system and earwax removal management tools

The recent EUHA Congress in Germany saw the Germany-based manufacturer, Egger, present a variety of new lines for audiologists worldwide.

Peter WIX, Published on 25 October 2024

Egger – new product announcements include a new earmould ordering system and earwax removal management tools

German outfit Egger took a stylish corner stand at the 2024 EUHA Congress to show off new lines, including its OBS – Otoplastik-Bestell-System for ordering earmolds, complete with three-dimensional views. Visitors to the stand were able to  try out the online system live on touch screens.

Egger also presented its new Cerumen-Management for earwax removal, Egger representatives explaining how to make this process safer with efficient service instruments.

The innovative shapes and materials of the new Otoplastik “Design Linie”, “design line” in earmoulds was proudly highlighted on the Egger stand, as well as the company’s range of Cedis cleaning and disinfection products for modern hearing systems. Visitors to the EUHA exhibition space were also able to try out professional technical machines and UV-polymerization devices in Egger’s service and repair area.

Check out the Egger online shop in English here.

Source: Egger