Home hearing test available to 100m users through Amazon Alexa



A free voice-controlled home hearing test accessed through the Amazon Alexa intelligent virtual assistant (IVA)has been launched by UK independent outfit Amplify Hearing.

Home hearing test available to 100m users through Amazon Alexa

But the big news impact of this launch of the "Hearing Screener" is the mass reach it achieves through a shrewd link to the Alexa IVA. The new technology magazine The Verge reported earlier this year that 100 million devices supporting Alexa had been sold, providing Amplify with an impressive potential target audience.

Users of Amplify's simple testing app need only give their phone a spoken command—through Alexa—such as "launch hearing screener" and they can discover their hearing condition. Amplify claims "impressive rate of accuracy" for the app.

An informative and educational hearing overview in under five minutes employs spoken phrases and frequency tones, but is not to be taken as a proper diagnosis or as medical advice. If the app detects hearing loss, the user is channelled through local opticians partnered with Amplify so they can book an appointment with a professional audiologist.

Christina Porter, audiology partner at Amplify Hearing said: "Early identification of changes in hearing and/or ear health, can lead to improved outcomes with hearing technology further down the line. We can also vastly improve relationships, social inclusion and general well-being when we look after our hearing properly."

Dave Murphy, Managing Director at Amplify Hearing said: “The Alexa Hearing Screener App encapsulates the forward thinking at Amplify.

Source: Amplify Hearing


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