Sonova announces changes to the Management Board


Sonova Holding AG has announced today changes to its Management Board which will be reduced from a total of thirteen to ten members.

Lukas Braunschweiler, CEO of Sonova, commented the changes as follows, “With our business growing, we need to continuously increase the dedication to our customers and expand our services. At the same time, we need to remain agile in our ever-changing markets and exploit organizational synergies thus continuously improving our efficiency and productivity. By taking these steps, we are positioning our company for continued growth and performance.”

Sonova decided to group the three hearing instruments wholesale regions Americas, Europe and Asia in one global “Hearing Instruments – Wholesale” function. Claude Diversi, currently Vice President Wholesale Europe & South America, will assume this new global responsibility for the wholesale of Phonak, Unitron and Hansaton, a role for which he is very well placed considering his past successes and his deep understanding of the company.

As a consequence, Albert Lim, currently Vice President Wholesale Asia Pacific, will report to Mr. Diversi. Mr. Paul Thompson, currently head of Region North & Central America, will assume special assignments for strategic tasks of the Group.

Andi Vonlanthen, currently Group Vice President R&D, will assume a broader role, adding the Science & Technology function to his responsibilities and further reinforcing product R&D and innovation as one of the core pillars and growth drivers for Sonova. As a consequence, Stefan Launer, currently Vice President Science & Technology, will report to Mr. Vonlanthen, effective April 1, 2016.

“I am confident that the new set-up will further support the continued growth of our company, expanding our market positions and delivering the most innovative solutions for our customers in a world that has become more connected,” added Lukas Braunschweiler.

Effective April 1, 2016, the Sonova Management Board consists of the following members: Lukas Braunschweiler (CEO), Hartwig Grevener (CFO), Sarah Kreienbühl (GVP HRM & COM), Franz Petermann (SVP HI Retail), Claude Diversi (GVP HI Wholesale), Martin Grieder (GVP HI Phonak), Jan Metzdorff (SVP HI Unitron/Hansaton), Hans-Jürg Emch (GVP CI), Andi Vonlanthen (GVP R&D/S&T), and Hans Mehl (GVP OPS & IT).

Source: Sonova

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